Special features

Despite improvements in email security and the development of e-signatures, the good old fax machine is still hanging in there. Doctors, legal firms, finance providers and insurance firms are just some of the sectors where faxes are still a common means of communication, which is why MyPhones.com continues to offer an optional Fax to Email subscription for Altos accounts.

Altos automatically converts incoming faxes to email as a standard feature, but an Altos Fax to Email subscription is ideal for customers who also want to send faxes and prefer to have a dedicated number for their fax machine.

The Fax to Email subscription will still automatically convert incoming faxes to pdf files and send them to a specified email address, making faxes easy to file and archive as digital records and saving on the costs of fax machine consumables.

Altos Phone Buddy for Windows PCs and laptops  puts the power of the Altos phone system on your desktop. It is available as standard for all Silver and Gold subscription holders.

Phone Buddy runs in the background and provides instant access to the Altos user portal without having to log on.  Phone Buddy  and can be complimented with the Altos desktop softphone that utlises your laptop microphone and speakers to make and take calls.  Phone Buddy delivers screen popups when new calls, voicemails or faxes come in, and much more besides…

  • Text messages and alerts, with popups when they arrive
  • Instant message chat sessions with colleagues
  • Easy access to telephone directories with the option to email instead of calling or texting
  • A presence feature that shows if you’re available, busy or away from your desk
  • Call Number and Clipboard Dialling, which allows you to type the number you want to call, or simply highlight and copy it to the clipboard from web pages, documents or application screens
  • Integration with Salesforce, Zoho and other external CRM systems

The floating dashboard allows you to keep Phone Buddy on screen, positioned where you want it. It shows your phone activity for the day so you can always see what calls you need to return, what voicemails you need to listen to and what texts and alerts you need to read. The dashboard lets you update your presence quickly, get to your telephone directories (which you can leave open), and make calls. It even helps you divert your phone to another number or voicemail when you’re on the run.

Phone Buddy works with Microsoft Vista SP2 and later.

Time-based Routing is available as a standard feature for both Silver and Gold subscription holders.

Time-based Routing enables businesses to configure individual phones and voicemail messages for different times of the day or week.

The schedule will automatically route inbound calls in specific ways for particular periods, eg lunchtimes, out-of-hours, weekends, holidays etc. Companies can use the feature to route calls to specific internal or external phones, call groups or voicemail boxes for each designated period in the schedule, and to create a library of voicemail messages to suit those occasions.

The feature can cope easily with quite complex and sophisticated company schedules, which means that administrators can configure different operating hours for different days of the week and a specific routing response for each individual routing period.

Wallboards are an optional extra available to both Gold and Silver subscription holders.

Wallboards work with Altos’s Call Group function to display real-time call statistic reports including:

Calls overview – the number of incoming calls, answered calls, outgoing calls, lost calls, and the average duration, both a as a group total and by individual team member.

Inbound calls – the number of incoming calls, answered calls, lost calls, queued calls and ring duration, both as a group total and by individual team member.

Outbound calls – the number of outbound calls, average duration and maximum duration, both as a group total and by individual team member.

Queued calls – the average queue time, maximum queue time, queue limit breaches, timeouts and the number queuing now, both as a group total and by individual team member.

The reports can be displayed on a wall-mounted Plasma or LCD screen, allowing the call group members to monitor and respond to real-time performance issues.

The Wallboards option is available at an additional monthly charge. The company (or their agent) is responsible for the provision and maintenance of any screens or other hardware required to display the reports.

The mobile softphone is available for android and IoS devices. 

The Mobile Softphone App allows yu t use your smartphone as a company phone extension, wit the ability o keep in touch with your colleagues and contacts, where ever you are, with the appearance of being in the office.

The App simplifies communications enabling you to be contacted using one single number and choose to present your own DDI or the main office number, when using the App.

The App offers device feature key synchronisation and supports all your favorite features including:- DND, Call forwarding, Hold and transfer, Presence, Call recording, configurable quick dials and more.


FeatureSilver LicenceGold LicenceExtra
Address BooksYesYes
Auto AttendantYes
Block Anonymous CallsYesYes
Call BarringYesYes
Call DivertYesYes
Call ForwardYesYes
Call Groups / Hunt GroupsYesYes
Call Metrics & ReportingYesYes
Call ParkYesYes
Call PickupYesYes
Call QueuesYes
Call RecordingYes
Call TransferYesYes
Call WaitingYesYes
Do Not DisturbYesYes
Events / Call Reminder CalendarYesYes
Fax to EmailYesYes
Last Number RedialYesYes
Line MonitoringYesYes
Message waiting (SMS, screen pops, email)YesYes
Music on HoldYesYes
Number PresentationYesYes
Password & PIN protectionYesYes
Quick DialYesYes
Reporting & StatisticsYesYes
Three-way CallYesYes
Time-based RoutingYesYes
Video CallingYes
Voicemail - ForwardYesYes
Voicemail - Group BoxesYesYes
Voicemail - SMS AlertsYesYes
Voicemail to EmailYesYes